Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Mr. X " is suppressing our Results.

"Mr. X" is suppressing our Results.

How we can talk ourselves out of our own winning Attitude?

How can we be wining in one area of life and loosing in another area and think that it works in some area of life and that it doesn't in another?

The Laws of this Universe are so precise we can send a space ship to the moon and we can time the landing with a precision of a fraction of a second.

These Laws work every single time in every situation in every area of life.

So what is this Power that stops us from reaching towards our Purpose, Vision, Goals?

This Power is called Paradigms or Conditioning or "Mr. X" as we will refer to it and it is very easy to get caught up in the trap.

"Mr. X " is controlling your thinking - and that is the reason why when you are not going in the direction you want in life, you think you're justified in doing what you are doing -you feel perfectly justified.

So, "Mr. X" is in control - this is so Insidious and it becomes clear/very obvious why so very few people win in every business in, every Industry - right now there are people wining hands down when almost everybody else is loosing ~ there are people right now that are doing very well in Real Estate - this down in business as we read everywhere has not effected them - in fact they start to look at it as a plus - because they start to notice that everyone started to quit so there is no competition.

But we can change that - all we need is understanding, awareness and willingness to do it.

You are making a Big Mistake if you are underestimating the Power of "Mr.X"

In our next post we'll take it a little deeper in How "Mr. X" was formed & why we have the Conditioning we have.

Please share with us your thoughts.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Leadership is : Sending people in a new direction towards a New Vision.

Leadership is : Sending people in a new direction towards a New Vision.

Leadership Is influence.

Leaders help ppl. get over their fear and give them a Vision that's worth failing for/worth taking a risk for

Effective Leaders build an Image of what they want to achieve, they don't look at their present circumstances and make a decision on what they think they can achieve based on that.

Effective leaders look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them they make them.

True Leaders use their Imagination to build a magnificent Vision of what they want and continually aim at it ~

Einstein put it very well : Known knowledge is only going to take you so far ….IMAGINATION will take you anywhere

They hold the Image / the Idea on the screen of their mind and use their Intellectual Faculty (Will) to stay focused and start to move towards their Vision.

As they move towards their Goal their Goal starts to move towards them.

What do I mean by that?

The thoughts we are thinking are moving into form all the time.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states - Energy is always moving into form - trough form - and back into form.

There is tremendous power in thoughts.

What do you believe you can achieve?

What do you believe about yourself?

Please share your thoughts.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We can never change things by fighting existing reality.

We can never change things by fighting existing reality -to change things we creating a new model that makes the old model obsolete.

We are experiencing change that is unprecedented - everyone is experiencing change - the whole world is changing, but personal growth is a choice.

We have the choice to grow or to let the change control us.

I think we have to build New Models - for our personal life and for our Company.

If you are a Leader you have to stop and ask yourself : Am I providing the tools, the information, the environment to help the ones I lead so they can adapt to the change that is taking place?

If you are an entrepreneur or a sales person ask yourself : do I know how to deal with my thoughts about myself as a person so I can adapt to change and have the courage to continue to take chances, to grow, to change?

You know, in today's leading-edge environment it's very easy to get overwhelmed and stuck at so many levels, and if we do not look for new ways and tools to get unstuck - what do you think happens to our Self Image?

Yes, you got it right our Self Image takes a beating and over time we become weaker and we feel defeated.

Our Self Image has a very important role in the Results we get in life in all areas of life - be that financial, relationships, health etc.

Our Self Image dictates every action we take - every action we take is continually motivated by our Self Image and every action we take creates the Results we get in our life.

Self Image also dictates how we interpret other people's reaction to us.

Our Self Image also determines the Attitudes we adopt in any given circumstance or towards the people we interact with on regular basis (like our new prospects, our clients, our colleagues or our loved ones).

So how are you doing on that? How are you dealing with change?

Build your Self Image in a way that it will serve you- do not allow outside circumstances control your Results in Life.

Today, Self Development is becoming a necessity my friends or growth will be difficult and slow.

The purpose of a Goal is to become the person who will have it.

If you have a specific Goal that you want to achieve -find someone to show you how to create the mindset to reach it, to quickly become the successful person you want to be.

Please share your thoughts with us.

To our success.

Lorena Heletea

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Know your power, believe in your power, and take action.

Know your power, believe in your power, and take action.

We can never get what we don't have - unless we are willing to do what we have never done.

No matter our level of success, wealth, and education, when we aim toward a New Big Bold Goal that we have never achieved before ~ we feel doubts, fears and flaws.

And, when that happens we get STUCK.

But understand that the feeling of fear or doubt is only a sign that you reached the end of your Comfort Zone nothing more ~ by no means this is an indicator of your potential.

It is simply your Old Conditioning trying to rationalize (ration lies) to your mind - trying to come up with very good reasons why you can't achieve your Goal.

Do you know that your only limitations are those you set up in your mind, or permit others to set up for you?

Your Results are a direct reflexion of YOUR Self image that is lodge deeply in your Subconscious Mind.

Results in all areas of your life are controlled by your actions and your actions are continually motivated by your Self Image. And get this, we can never surpass our Self Image.

What is Self Image anyways?

Self Image is - Image of Self or ~ what we believe we can achieve , it is part of our Sub Conscious Mind (or Conditioned Mind) and it has been transferred to us from generation to generation.

Our Self Image has nothing to do with us - it has to do with the Ideas that were going on around us as children, yet it is what drives us or stops us.

So, it would make a lot of sense to start to study ourselves , to start to understand how our Self Image impacts our Results in all areas of life.

Share your Ideas and how you think our self Image is preventing us from taking big steps towards Success?

Until next time ~ Live life like you mean it~

Lorena Heletea

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gathering information will not make you more successful - APPLYING IT WILL..

Gathering information will not make you more successful - APPLYING IT WILL..

In the past few days I've been thinking how can I give back a little to the community that really is committed to help everyone grow in awareness but more important - this wonderful community #Leadfromwithin is the perfect place to begin to Move Out of Your Comfort Zone / form new Habits / challenge the "Status Quo" / take time to look at the steps / actions we take towards our Purpose / Vision / Goals from different perspectives.

This is all very nice but here is the part I would really encourage you to hear : gathering information will not make you more successful - APPLYING IT WILL..

Just like reading a book - the purpose is not to just finish the book but what did you learn? What new Ideas from the book will you apply to your Goal, to your life?

It's not what we know that will take us the Next Level Success, to Increased Performance, to better Relationships, to more Prosperity in our Life but - What we do with that what we know.

So, if you forgot about one of your Goals you chose at the beginning of the year :) (as New Year resolution) let's choose a Goal.

What is the Goal you will apply new learned Ideas from #Leadfromwithin to?

And more important (just what I ask my clients to do) - what New Habits will you commit to based on what you learn each week from #Ledfromwithin ?

Because you see very successful people make thing they don't like to do "Habits" (when something becomes a habit we don't have to think about doing it anymore it's automatic)

Call to Action:

1. Choose a Goal that you will apply learned information toward

2. Each week make 1 Idea you learn a "Habit"

Live life like you mean it and keep playing to win!

Lorena Heletea

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

High achievers....doing the wrong thing perfectly.

High achievers....doing the wrong thing perfectly.

Have you notice how even high achievers would rather do the wrong thing perfectly than try a new approach and suck at it until they perfect the new Habit?
We all know that "Sign of insanity is - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different Result" - It's never going to happen.
Why do you think that is?
It is fascinating in how many ways our Old Conditioning / Self Image is trying to stop us from improving our results.
You see, we will never surpass our Self Image, our Self Image dictates every step we take.Our Self Image is like a Cybernetic mechanism in a thermostat - it's set to achieve a certain goal and until we re-set we keep achieving the same results.
Now, what is Self Image?
Self Image is Image of Self - what we believe we can achieve, what we believe about ourselves.

Your Results in any area of life are a direct reflexion of YOUR Self image that is lodged deeply in your Subconscious Mind - that would be your Conditioned Mind.

Your Results are controlled by your actions and your actions are continually motivated by your Self Image.

Therefore the Results we achieve in our life, in all areas of our life have nothing to do with how intelligent, how smart we are or our level of education.

Do you know people that are brilliant but they are broke and unhappy or depressed?

It really makes no difference how much information we have in our head - what really makes the difference is what we do with that information, that is what makes the difference - the application, how we apply that what we know. And the application of what we know is controlled by our Self Image.

All of us we know we can do much better that we are doing. Why are we not doing it?

For example: If you have a Sales Team -The high achievers in Your sales team go trough the same training, they sit in the same meetings with the rest of your team, they are exposed to the same information. Yet, why is such a big difference between their achievements?

Or the person that wants to loose weight - trying really hard, getting some improved results - then they go right back to their initial weight or in most cases they add some extra weight.


Our Self Image dictates where we are going in life. And until we correct, re-set where our Self Image is pointing no real improvement, no quantum leaps will happen in our results - and we get results in all areas of our life - health, wealth, relationships....etc.

Having the tools to re-set our Self Image is a crucial element to our Success, to improved Results, improved performance.

Self development, understanding Self, understanding the role of our Mind and the role of our conditioning in improving our results will determine how much your results will change in the next year and the year after and so on.

So if you feel that your results in any area of life have not improved dramatically doesn't matter how much you try, how much you work, how much education you have - the reason probably is your Self Image.

Please share your experience with us, and if you have any related questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Share your thoughts below.

Lorena Heletea

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to shift from survival mode to growth mode.

How to shift from survival mode to growth mode.

Thinking is the highest function we are capable of - wherever we are there is an energy flowing into our consciousness - and that energy has no form we give it form - and we have the ability to choose if that form is positive or negative. And that's what thinking is.
Thinking is bringing form from nothing. It's putting it into something. Building a picture- an Idea.

We do not have to accept what IS coming at us from the outside - so when the information comes in we stop and think about it - ask ourselves - Is this information going to serve me? If it doesn't we can reject it.

With the Conscious Mind - using our Reasoning factor we can think about all the information coming from outside / we have the ability to reject Ideas from the outside - and do not have to buy into the Idea that we're going to have a tough time.

Do you know that Our Sub-Conscious Mind can not reject any idea - and it can not differentiate between what is real and what is imagined - it must accept everything we give to it - we can use our Intellect to make better choices for ourselves - If we are going to use our Intellect we should use it for something constructive - and if we're going to get Emotionally involved - we should get emotionally involved with the Image / Idea that we Originate - and we WANT.

Do not allow your environment or CNN choose for you.

Call for Action: Take this week and start choosing the Ideas that you get emotionally involved with. Do not allow your environment to dictate how you feel.

Let me know if you have any questions on this subject. Would be my pleasure to answer them.
Live like you mean it.