Thursday, August 27, 2009

The doubt you hold becomes the picture which will turn into your physical results...

The doubt you hold becomes the picture which will turn into your physical results...

You ask and you ask for the wrong thing it will be delivered right on schedule...

The doubt you hold becomes the picture which will turn into your physical results...
When you bulid a picture you control from the inside you do not control from the outside, regardless of the circumstances of your present results.
How do you start?

You start with FAITH!

Clarence S. said: "Faith is the ability to see the invisible."

There is a power in every cell of your being that operates in a totally deductive manner it will take whatever image you impress upon it and it will move you in the vibration you have to be in, to act the way you have to act,to attract what you have to attract for the manifestation of the image that you chose to build.

Successful people have Faith in themselves, they believe they can achieve whatever they set their Mind to achieve.

Very few people realize just how much Faith in oneself has to do with your achievement.

Majority on people never seem to understand that Faith is a genuine Creative Force.

Faith is the greatest power you'll ever encounter.
Post your thoughts.
Have a Phenomenal day.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009



What is Self-Image anyway?

The Self Image is the result of Ideas about you that were planted in your Subconscious other people....before you had the ability to think for yourself.

If you were raised with praise,chances are you will be very confident.

If you were raised with criticism where everything you ever did wrong was pointed out to you,chances are you will be very insecure.

Doesn't sound fair does it?

But that's the way it works.

Paradigm is the word that we use to describe all these ideas that are fixed in the Subconscious Mind. (will talk in detail about Paradigm in a next post) .

For now we need to know that our Paradigm controls our life.

Dr. Maltz explains that : We act,behave and feel according to what we consider our Self-Image to be and we do not deviate from this pattern.

The Image you hold of yourself is a premise, a base or a foundation upon your entire personality is built.
This Image not only controls your behaviour it controls your circumstances as well.....
Would love to hear about your experiences and understanding of Self Image.
May only good things happen to you all.