Thursday, February 25, 2010

The way we've always done it's usually the reason we're in the mess we're in....

The way we've always done it's usually the reason we're in the mess we're in....

You know something? If you ever hope to become more successful in any area of life you have to know that awareness gives meaning to life. Awareness will be reflected in our results.

The awareness we are seeking requires replacing old conditioning. Our old Conditioning, these old Ideas are holding us back and don't allow us to grow.

Take some time for the next 2 days and think about some of your Old Ideas,Conditioning that keep you stuck where you are. Once you've done that and understood that in order for you to get new Results you got to be open minded and start letting go of old Habits, you took your first step towards a more successful life.

The shape of your life is determined largely by your ATTITUDE.

Successful people are people with great attitudes, they expect success and get success.


Successful people choose their thoughts carefully and are consciously aware of their actions.

The only way to improve the results you are getting in life is to take full responsibility for your ATTITUDE.

The smallest change in your attitude will dramatically affect where you will be five years from now.

Do not allow Old Conditioning keep you stuck.... because it will... Find a Mentor and start...Changing and creating Habits is a lifestyle ....

Keep learning and improving self... it is the only way to SUCCESS...

Leave your thoughts please so we can all learn from your experience....


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Stop seeing yourself the way you are; start seeing yourself the way you want to be."

"Stop seeing yourself the way you are; start seeing yourself the way you want to be."

You know most people look at their present RESULTS and allow current RESULTS dictate their future...

My advice to clients is: don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.

We were programed to think from the outside in, in other words we listen to TV or Radio, to conversations around us - which are usually about how bad The Economy is and how something can't be done and we allow that to influence our thinking.

As adults we have the ability to study Self and understand that we can reprogram our Mind, that we don't have to continue doing things the way we have always done them. We have the ability to choose brand New Habits and Beliefs...
Do you realise that the way you've been acting and thinking since the day you were born it is simply your Ancestors' way of Thinking and Acting?
It is not who you are, it is an unwanted 'PRESENT' from your environment.
Some parts of the 'PRESENT' are better than other parts, pretty sure you know what I mean.

Today, writhing just to encourage you 'STOP' for a few... and THINK, analyze how you've been doing things and the reasons you've been getting the RESULTS you've been getting in ALL AREAS OF LIFE.

Just a few years ago I was not aware of the fact that 'I don't have to behave,act,think,respond' like my mother or my father do...I can create a brand New ME., a unique ME.
How did I do that?
Continuing where we left it in our previous 2 posts

Us, human beings were blessed with 6 Intellectual Factors, today's 2 Factors that we can use to create a brand New Us and Results in every area of life are :

Perception - This is your point of View. You can use this ability that was given to you to shift your perception to change your RESULTS.

Imagination - As children we are highly creative. As we get older, we put a lid on our creative Potential. We can use this ability to dream and develop ideas.

Can't tell you in words how much my life has improved since I started to study this vital information. Self Improvement is a continuous process - most people finish school and they think they are done learning....think again.
Understanding and Improving Self is the only way you can improve your RESULTS in life, you can become more Successful....

What are the Habits that you inherited from your Family that keep you stuck getting the same Results in life that you've been getting?
What are the Beliefs that you hold on to that don't serve you anymore?

Please share your experience with us below and know that there is something you can do to change some of your Thoughts,Habits, Beliefs that keep you stuck in the same circle.

Next post? I guess you'll just have to come back to find out.

Create your Success.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't just keep doing what you've been doing...You'll get the SAME RESULTS!

Don't just keep doing what you've been doing...You'll get the SAME RESULTS!

To get different RESULTS today than yesterday you'll have to bang your head in a different wall.
In other words if we approach what we do the same way over and over again we'll keep getting the SAME RESULTS as we did yesterday.

Best I can relate this to my childhood - thinking back my mom and I used to have the exact same arguments over and over again. Or looking at mom and dad they use to have the same discussions that would end with the same RESULTS every time.
I mean, for sure you know people in your family that 20, 30, 40 years later have the same arguments.

Now why is that? Well, if we don't change the way we approach any problem or conversation...guess what, the answer will be the same as yesterday.
It's called a HABIT, we are in the Habit of doing things. We don't give our actions any conscious thought any longer.

Habits are expressed automatically, once something passed our Conscious Mind and it's implanted in our Sub-conscious Mind it just keeps expressing itself until we make a conscious decision to change them.

This is the reason why Habits are not easy to Create or Change.
Well, most people are not even aware that they have the ability to change something in their life.
This is the reason why people make short lasting" NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS" - to lose weight, to start own business, to improve relationships, to improve sales(if they are in sales), etc...

A Habit that has been programed in Our Subconscious Mind since childhood takes awareness and REPETITION to Change.....It took us how long to create that Habit??? (10,20,30...years to create it) it's kind of silly to expect to wake up January 1 and expect to have brand new HABITS created over night.

But we have the Habit to allow ourselves to get disappointed over and over again because we don't make the commitment to and the investment in ourselves.

Self improvement should have same importance as eating or brushing our teeth....Well, not unless we are happy to get the same RESULTS in any area of our life.

As adults we can create the awareness that is required to improve anything in our life.

Sow where do we start?

In our last post we talked about our Intellectual factors and today we can start learning to change Habits by using other of our Intellectual factors.

WILL - We have the ability to hold one picture on the screen of our Mind to the exclusion of all else. This is our ability to concentrate.

MEMORY - We all have a perfect memory. We can improve it trough practice.
We can remember all our failure and focus on them or WE CAN REMEMBER ALL OUR SUCCESSES AND VICTORIES and focus on those.

These thoughts are from "The Goal Achiever" - my mentor Bob Proctor

So, if you would like to achieve different RESULTS in life you can only achieve them by creating NEW HABITS it doesn't happen any other way....
And it all happens in OUR MARVELOUS MIND ... because it is the mind that sets the body in action.

What Habits do you believe you need to Change or Create to achieve better(different) RESULTS in your life?

In what area of your life you feel you keep getting the same RESULTS and you know you need to change?

Time to change the wall you bang your head into...cuz you will...but failure is part of SUCCESS..

Home work for today: Write down 3 things that you know that if you start changing today your life will improve....

Share your thought with us bellow...

Lorena Heletea

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It takes as much stress to be a success as it does to be a failure....

It takes as much stress to be a success as it does to be a failure....

Lets continu where we left it in our last post please read so you can benefit more from this post.

So, because as little kids we were programed to gather our information trough our physical factors they are like little antenna and are to: See ,Taste, Hear, Smell and Touch people listen to all the bad news on TV, listen to conversations around us exmpl.: why something can't be done - (please promise you will start to choose the people you surround yourself with) - people look at their current situation and take that as reality.

Well, it must be true right?

Well NO!

We can create our own reality regardless of current Results. We have infinite potential.We can achieve whatever we want in life.
You see the way we ACT (the things we do on regular basis) our beliefs and our habits or better said our ATTITUDE is what gives us the Results we are getting in life.


So, if we look at our RESULTS we Think a certain way, we Feel a certain way, we Act a certain way and those are the kind of Results we are going to keep getting because we believe that is what we can achive.

The MIND controls the Body.

What you think dictates your RESULTS.

The thoughts or images you consciously choose automatically IMPRESS upon your Sub-Consciuous and then move your body into action.

The actions with which you are involved, determine your RESULTS.

These thoughts are part of our "The Goal Achiever Program"

So until our next post please start paying attention to the kind of images you choose to allow to your Sub-Conscious Mind... your Results and achieving your Goals depends on it.

There are better ways to collect information than trough our physical factors and that is trough our Intellectual Factors.

All together we were blessed with 6 Intellectual factors and today we will describe first two which are: REASON and INTUITION

REASON - This is our ability to think. It separates us from all other beings. We take thoughts, develop plans (take action) and create RESULTS.

INTUITION - This is our ability to pick up vibrations from other people or circumstances. This allows you to tap into vibrations, hunches and feelings.

Please leave a comment about your experiences so we can all learn from each other.

In our next Post will talk about PERCEPTION AND WILL and how we can use them toward achieving any Goal we set our Mind to achieve.

Until next time... great success
Lorena Heletea